Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

Quick Tips Fat - Healthy and Contains

    This time emakan healthy will share tips fat fast, healthy and contains.

  Weight problems can indeed determine the overall appearance. People around sometimes discriminate against people who are too fat or too thin. For some people, weight increase as difficult to lose weight. Thin people usually difficult to eat because it was out of habit and again perhaps organs not yet prepared for change. But that does not mean it can not, if we want to strive earnestly and committed to keep the habit certainly can get the ideal body weight. Here are some quick tips fat are:

1.  Eating was more often 4-6 times a day with a healthy diet of fruit and vegetable servings plus sufficient. Simply put if the intake of more calories than you burn, the excess calories are stored as fat. While protein if dimbangi with sport will be stored in the form of muscle.

2.  Healthy snacks. A healthy snack is a snack that not only contain empty calories, but also contains nutrients that the body needs. Eat apples, empek-empek telur or bananas at leisure in addition to fun also can revitalize energy between the two meals.

3.  Slightly spicy. In the program fatten the body is difficult if not used to eating a lot but are required to eat more and more often. How to outsmart using a slightly spicy food. Spicy foods can stimulate the appetite, so we are more voracious and tasteful.

       There is another trick to increase appetite, walk or perform physical activity before mealtime arrives. When he was not hungry, eating foods that are most preferred. The food was a little sweet also can increase appetite.

4.  Form muscle. Increase the weight by establishing healthy muscles compared to only want the body fat that contains a lot of fat. How to build muscle is to exercise load. Always remember that thin people and obese equally holds the potential of a disease that does not maintain fitness so stay active in sports.

5.  Limit your cardio exercise. Cardio exercise is an exercise that stimulate the heart rate such as running, tennis, badminton, futsal, swimming and others. This type of exercise burns calories and fat so if you want to gain weight  doing this sport occasionally until you get the desired weight.

6.  Limit your exercise time up to 1 hour per day. Sports 1/2 hours a day is enough to keep the body healthy and fit, the most important part is to do it regularly say 5 times a week. More than 1 hour of exercise a day will drain a lot of energy.

7.  Drink milk twice a day, 

   could be a regular cow's milk or milk supplements muscle. Protein, fat and other nutrients your body will suffice kubutuhan. If you do not like cow's milk can replace it with soy milk or dairy products such as yoghurt or cheese

8.  Drink high-calorie drinks. Now a lot of variants of high-calorie beverages, choose to suit your tastes but still read labels and pay attention to the nutritional value contained in the drink


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